Crowd and fans at red carpet film premiere

You’ve heard of the big film festivals like Sundance, Cannes, and SXSW, but what of the smaller film festivals? You might be surprised, but there are quite a few festivals showcasing inventive, high concept stories that you might not otherwise see because they don’t have Hollywood headlining talent or a large distribution budget. These smaller festivals also go largely unnoticed because of their lack of celebrity endorsement and strained budgets. If you’re thinking about sponsoring a smaller festival like BWiFF but aren’t sure if it’s worth your time, energy, and money, keep reading to learn more about the hidden benefits of becoming a sponsor.

Why do we attend film festivals? Our audience has affirmed that they attend BWiFF to experience new stories from a variety of perspectives around the world and connect with the filmmakers themselves either in person or via virtual Q&A’s. The BWiFF experience is very important to our volunteer staff and is responsible for much of the drive to keep the festival going.

Films are meant to be a communal experience, and we owe it to our filmmakers to have their film judged as it was meant to be screened…

Jonathan C. Legat, Festival Operations Director

“None of us are in it for the money – unless we’re talking about spending it out of our own pockets,” joked Executive Director Michael Noens. “We keep doing this because we love bringing filmmakers and filmgoers together. One of the best ways for an official selection to continue building momentum is for it to be championed by an unexpected fan.”

One of the things that makes BWiFF more unique is that the judges don’t screen the films on their laptops months ahead of the festival. They are in the audience, experiencing it with our ticket holders and filmmakers.

“Films are meant to be a communal experience, and we owe it to our filmmakers to have their film judged as it was meant to be screened,” contends Festival Operations Director Jonathan C. Legat. “With the gasps, laughs, and tears that only a live screening can provide.”

Our screening venue is Chicago Filmmakers, located at 1326 W. Hollywood Avenue in Chicago, and provides a more intimate experience for an audience with a limited seating capacity of 100. No matter where you are seated, you should feel more comfortably connected to those around you as you enjoy each film and engage in each Q&A.

Audience applauding following a Q&A at BWiFF 2018

“BWiFF is not about quantity,” according to Noens. “We’re about quality – the films, the stories, the relationships – quality in all aspects.” So how do sponsorships fit into this experience?

Sponsoring a small film festival is an easy way to get in front of targeted customers without breaking the bank. Sure, having your company’s name and message up in front of large crowds alongside giants like Xfinity, United Airlines, and JPMorgan Chase may be a beneficial for business if you’ve got a large advertising budget. However, if you’re looking to strategically spend your limited ad dollars, a low cost sponsorship with significantly fewer attendees can provide the opportunity to connect one-on-one with potential customers in a fun, casual environment.

For example, say you work for an insurance agency. Sponsoring a festival like BWiFF will get your name in front of movie buffs who don’t typically think about life insurance every day. If you were a Session Sponsor for an evening of screenings, your business would be exclusively represented in the lobby. This would give you the opportunity to establish an environment of your own to deliver your company’s message personally and/or just hang out with attendees talking about movies.

Imagine you went to an event and had this great discussion with a sponsor who didn’t even try to sell you anything other than a connection. Are you more likely to buy life insurance from someone who took the time and energy to connect with you and your interests? It is possible that an economical opportunity to earn the respect and loyalty of a few customers could pay off greater over time than one costly display advertisement?

Packages can be modified to fit any budget or need.

Therese Mlynarczyk, Development Director

Our Session Sponsorships are limited to one per evening for $350-$400 depending on the day of the week. In addition to having an exclusive sponsor presence in the lobby, Session Sponsors receive recognition in dedicated posts on social media and name/logo in festival slideshow, digital program guide, mobile app, and on our website. BWiFF will also provide four complimentary tickets for the evening to be used by your company’s VIPs or as giveaways for your customers.

Supporting Sponsorships are also available for only $100 and are well worth the impressions/traffic.

“We can work with your business to customize a sponsorship package to get the greatest reach for your organization,” says Development Director Therese Mlynarczyk. “Packages can be modified to fit any budget or need.”

Sponsoring an independent film festival is an excellent way to showcase your company’s brand. And now you see how smaller festivals can have just as much success as larger ones (simply measured on a different scale) and have the ability to provide brands with great exposure. BWiFF is proud to be a small festival. We’re not interested in being another Sundance, Cannes, and SXSW. We’re the first and only BWiFF – and that’s something worth sponsoring.

To book your sponsorship, visit or contact us through our website’s contact page with any questions.