Imbibe Cinema

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The Vast of Night (2019)

The Vast of Night

The word I would use to describe The Vast of Night is vintage. This is an old school movie, with a look from the 1950’s, a classic style, tone, and by far one of the most surprising films of 2020.

The Photograph (2020)

The Photograph

It was hard for me to remember the last truly romantic movie I had seen. I always go back to John Crowley’s Brooklyn, which was in 2015. That means it has been a full five years since a movie has projected any true romance on the big screen.

Adam Driver, Azhy Robertson, and Scarlett Johansson in Marriage Story

Marriage Story

Would you rather your family be ripped apart like a quick band-aid, the way mine was, or would you rather experience the long, brutal process where you witness your parents’ love crumble into ashes?